Useful Info

Increasing Demand for LED Lights

We have used light emitting diodes (LEDs) for many years now but mostly in directional lighting such as in desk lamps and flashlights. They were not used much for general lighting until recently. Now with technological advancement, LEDs are now brighter and cheaper. Many big manufacturers such as Sylvania, GE, Lemnis and Philips are looking into providing cost effective 'retrofit' bulbs that will replace a 60-watt bulb in standard fixtures for about 12 watts.

Many people are excited about this new technology and view LEDs as the next big thing in lighting. However this will not be a quick transition for despite the vast improvements, LEDs are still not that good in giving off illumination in 360 degrees. Furthermore, they give off cooler light and result in shadowing. If you are thinking of purchasing LEDs right now, definitely choose from known brands with good warranties and avoid cheap deals from discount brands.

There are many advantages to using LEDs, including the fact that they can last for many more times longer than the traditional light bulbs. They are also extremely efficient and can resist mechanical and water shock. LEDs are definitely a technology that all of us are embracing and something that we all look forward to.

Proper Disposal of Used Flourescent bulbs

Flourescent lights as well as CFLs contain a certain amount of mercury which is very much hazardous to our health and environment and you should take care when disposing of them. In case of breakage, avoid skin contact with it. Keep everyone away especially children. Be sure to ventilate the area first for at least 15 minutes to avoid inhaling it. Scoop fragments with the use of cardboard and place it on a sealed container, preferably glass. It is best to use adhesive tape to pick up remaining residue. For further information on cleaning tips, you may visit and consult the Green Lighting website.

CFLs in dome enclosure are given much preference than flourescent and incandescent bulbs. Its outer covering prevents the spilling of content in case of breakage. On the other hand incandescent bulb just produces so much energy that it actually is wasting more than 90% to 98% on heat than useful light. Ian Woofenden, author of Wind Power for Dummies calculated a Return on Investment (ROI) of 642% per year on a 20-watt CFL producing the same amount of light as that of a 75-watt Incandescent light. He was able to compute that CFL only cost $14.00 a year to power while incandescent is $54.00 per year and flourescent $15.50 per year without rapid switching. Calculation is inclusive for cost of replacement bulbs.

Based on the ROI, it is really worth switching to Green Lighting. For not only you can save energy but you will also be able to help save our planet and make it a better place to live in.

This article was based from Brian Clark Howard's 7 Things You Didn't Know About Energy Saving Light Bulbs.